It's important to have the proper air pressure in your tires, as under inflation may lead to tire failure and result in car accident or damaged wheels. The right amount of air for your tires is specified by the vehicle manufacturer & is shown on the vehicle door edge, door post, glove box door or fuel door. It is also listed in the owner's manual.
1. When you check the air pressure, make sure the tires are cool - meaning they are not hot from driving even a mile. (NOTE: If you have to drive a distance to get air, check & record the tire pressure first & add the appropriate air pressure when you get to the pump. It is normal for tires to heat up & the air pressure inside to go up as you drive. Never "bleed" or reduce air pressure when tires are hot.)
2. Remove the cap from the valve on one tire.
3. Firmly press a tire gauge onto the valve.
4. Add air to achieve recommended air pressure.
5. If you overfill the tire, release air by pushing on the metal stem in the center of the valve with a fingernail or the tip of a pen. Then recheck the pressure with your tire gauge.
6. Replace the valve cap.
7. Repeat with each tire, including the spare. (NOTE: Some spare tires require higher inflation pressure.)
8. Visually inspect the tires to make sure there are no nails or other objects
embedded that could poke a hole in the tire & cause an air leak.
9. Check the sidewalls to make sure there are no gouges, cuts, bulges or other irregularities. NOTE: Air pressure in a tire goes up (in warm weather) or down (in cold weather) 1-2 pounds for every 10 degrees of temperature change.
Friday, May 23, 2008
How to check tire pressure
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Why Vintage Cars Are Still Loved By Young And Old Alike

If you want a vintage car and you didn't buy one back in the day then you are going to have a really hard time finding one that you like. If you really want one of these cars you are going to have to go to the junk yard and get a salvaged piece because you are not going to find anyone that wants to sell theirs. You are going to have to restore the car then you will have to make it the way that you want it so you are going to have to spend some serious cash if you really want a vintage car.
Finding all the parts and pieces that you are going to need to restore the car is going to be so hard that you might as well just build a Tee Pee instead. These car parts even if you do find them are going to be priced so high that you are going to just want to fabricate them yourself. That is why you know how to weld and just build your own vintage car from scratch. That is vintage I think and that would be the coolest thing anyone could do to make themselves a vintage car. If you wanted one bad enough then you would do anything it took to get that.
People love vintage cars because it reminds them of when they bought it and such a good time that they had in the car at the time that they bought the car. That is the main reason why I think people bought them and kept them to this day. The other small percentage of them kept the cars because they knew they would be worth serious cash flow today. Whoever thought of that is right and these cars are expensive today if you see them. Just a 60s car like a thunderbird is worth $20,000. It is crazy when you are at a car show and you see someone write a check for $40,000.
All the vintage cars that are really vintage are worth so much that only the people with real money even look at buying them. They are in the six figure digits some of them and they are so expensive that if you don't take care of them you might just want to pass.
How Regular Maintenance Is The Best Way To Keep Your Car In Shape

You may be surprised when your car blows a tire or a belt gets worn down until it fails. Maybe next time your car makes a funny noise, instead of blaming it on the manufacturer, ask yourself, "When was the last time I had the engine inspected by a mechanic?".
When we get sick, we waste no time making our way to the doctors office to see what is wrong, so how come we blame our cars when they get sick? Usually the car breaks down only after years of abuse and disuse, and much of these break downs and failures can be thwarted by simple, timely maintenance.
Here are some tips on what you need to do, why, and when.
When your car breaks down, it is guaranteed to mess up an otherwise perfectly good day. If you knew when and where your car was going to break down ahead of time, you probably would maintain it much better than you already do.
The key reason regular maintenance is so pertinent is that it keeps your car healthy, and you happy. So what exactly does regular maintenance consist of? Is an oil change every 5000 miles enough? Or should you change the air filter as well?
Proper maintenance is essentially checking every renewable aspect of the engine and body regularly to see to it that it is in tip top condition. This means you should change the oil, lube, and filter every 3000 miles, and have the air filters checked at the same time. It is also recommended that you give your car a chassis lube and have all the vehicles fluids topped off and hoses and belts inspected. Do not forget to check the tire pressure because this is the key to good grip and gas economy.
Most manufacturers suggest you have an inspection performed on the fuel system at the 6000 mile mark. At 15000 miles, you should perform all of the above as well as order an air filter change and a 4-wheel alignment. At 18000 you should get an engine oil system flush, and at 30000 it is recommended that you perform all of the above as well as injector cleaning and throttle body service, tire balancing and rotation, a power steering flush, automatic transmission flush, radiator system flush, and an evaporator system flush.
This may sound quite involved for simple car maintenance, but remember in the case of a car, the more you put in the more you get out in the form of prolonged, reliable function. If you perform regular maintenance, do not forget to keep records. These records are for your own organization as well as a great positive for your car's worth, should you decide to sale.
If you take good care of your car, it will take great care of you.
As you can see, there are many different measures that you can take in order to properly prepare your vehicle. However, not taking these steps can lead to roadside trouble that may prove to be extremely challenging!
Road Tripping and Car Maintenance

The maintenance of car is a key component to make sure that you have a hassle-free trip.
If you do not make sure that your vehicle is correctly prepared before traveling in it, you may find yourself stranded on the side of a deserted road, in the middle of a heavily wooded area, or completely stuck in general.
Here, you will be introduced to road tripping and car maintenance. Now, you can learn how form the effective strategies to prepare your car for a road trip.
1. When motorists experience car complications during travel, the next most common issue rests with the radiator and extended parts.
Prior to your trip, you will want to ensure that you take the time to examine the radiator, the hoses that are attached to the radiator and other components of the automobile, as well as the clamps that hold these hoses in place.
2. One of the first areas that you should focus on when preparing your car for a road trip are the tires. If your tires have extended wear and tear, it is important that you make an appointment to have them changed, and balanced.
When traveling, one of the most serious complications that many face is a blown tire. If you don't want this to happen, make sure that this component of your vehicle is prepared.
3. The next area that you will want to focus on prior to the road trip is the car's battery. This is especially true if it is not a maintenance-free unit. First, check the posts to ensure that there is no corrosion on them.
You will want to look for any kind of corrosion on the terminals. If you find this to be an issue, mix some baking soda and water and scrub them down with a toothbrush.
Next, check the water level, or battery acid level. If it is low, you should fill it with water. It is important that you include a battery charger system in your luggage. This way, if you do need a jump while traveling, it can easily be done!
4. Next, it is essential to check all of the fluids in the vehicle. This means the power steering, brake fluid, oil, transmission fluid, coolant, antifreeze, and washer fluid.
If any of these fluids are low, it is important to fill them. You should also take the time to pack at least one bottle of each fluid in the trunk for your trip.
5. Next, you should check all belts on the vehicle. An example is the serpentine belt that helps rotate your alternator and water pump.
You will want to ensure that there is plenty of "meat" on the belts and that there are no knicks. It is equally important to ensure that all of the belts are nice and tight.
As you can see, there are many different measures that you can take in order to properly prepare your vehicle for a road trip. However, not taking these steps can lead to roadside trouble that may prove to be extremely challenging!