Contact your insurance company very soon after the accident. This is the first one to call in case of injury also. Take time to read what pertains to your auto accident insurance claim when you first receive your insurance policy this will help clear up any misunderstandings before accidents happen and will give you an idea of what your auto accident insurance claim entitles you to instead of having to worry about it while your going through the trauma of an accident.
When you writing your statement include as much details of the auto accident as possible. You can reinforce your claim by taking pictures of the vehicle and any injuries that may have been sustained due to the auto accident. Take down names and numbers of any witnesses that may be able to help in proving your auto accident insurance claim when the time comes. Remember to take notes on any other persons or vehicles that were involved in this accident because this is very important to your claim. Another important thing to remember is that you may make more than one auto accident insurance claim, so check any other policies you may be holding to verify this. Take time out to review all your policies. You may be entitled to file more that one auto insurance claim, so make sure you claim for all that you are able to claim for.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
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