There are companies that provide all of their industry a black eye. It could be one reason or another, poor customer service, hidden costs and fees or do not provide what they promised. Payday loan industry is no different. Many companies promise quick money but did not deliver. They tell you about fees, but do not tell you how much they will charge if you are late returning the money.
Payday Loan Horror Stories
We did some research and there are dozens of companies that have registered complaints against them online at Rip-Off Report. Some are understandable, employee or rude customer service bad happens to almost all businesses. Employees are people and may be just a bad day. There are reports the most extreme of companies have repeatedly pulling the costs of bank accounts and other deceptive practices. Some of the more outrageous.
Repeated the bank account deductions
A customer complained that several payments were taken from their account for more than 6 weeks. The client took a loan of $ 300 and agreed to repay. They set up automatic payments and thought they could expect $ 390 paid in full when they received their next paycheck. When it came time to repay, he has withdrawn $ 90 to cover costs.
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